Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Does It Pay To Have Pet Insurance Can Creditor Remove Derogatory Information From Credit Report If You Make A Deal With Them To Pay The Balance?

Can Creditor remove derogatory information from credit report if you make a deal with them to pay the balance? - does it pay to have pet insurance

I have an outstanding balance of age in an acount that appear on my credit report. I only pay if the creditors to completely eliminate negative information from my report. Is this possible? What are the alternatives?


SPIFIMAN... said...

OC1999 is correct.

cbryan57 said...

I think it will be resolved without it, I think

sam n said...

what they can do what they want

well and doing good

Visualize Whirled Peas said...

He paid no attention paid.

Perhaps the story is not thereby be eliminated, can in fact be the "understood" repeated more than one account.

Deal only with companies and contempt, as it affects your "credit rating to". Whether or not to pay. Do with him. Make it go away. Press the front.

H. A said...

It is possible that they do not agree so we could only make the payment. You must obtain written prior to the payment of the agreed quantity, distribute or remove negative information from three credit providers for all. Upon receipt of the letter to pay them, making sure that a good record keeping, and if they do not, within thirty days after it removed the letter to credit bureaus and check canceled, and then to check. I've done it and seen at a later date in order to not lose the paper work.

H. A said...

It is possible that they do not agree so we could only make the payment. You must obtain written prior to the payment of the agreed quantity, distribute or remove negative information from three credit providers for all. Upon receipt of the letter to pay them, making sure that a good record keeping, and if they do not, within thirty days after it removed the letter to credit bureaus and check canceled, and then to check. I've done it and seen at a later date in order to not lose the paper work.

★ his_sweetheart★ said...

hopefully! I have the same problem

OC1999 said...

It depends on the creditors. If the creditor is the original creditor, which is the real account. The chances of eliminating negative information is almost 0 For example if you were late and late, which is valid, will not change that information. You need to report accurate information. So, is shown once paid for, as has already been paid or suffering with a balance of 0

Now, if a collection agency, which often eliminates list, if you pay in full. But they have no control over what the original creditor.

However, before you secure money to any company that you are not agreed otherwise in writing. Do not take what they say on the telephone as a fact. They often promise things to the phone, but not followed through. If you have written, at least one test.

Monique said...

You can not do it. If they conclude an agreement with you to ensure that you write, because I could not forget and leave it in his report obtained. Good luck.

Carolina... said...

Yes you can, but make sure that you are the first script.

If no agreement

Carolina... said...

Yes you can, but make sure that you are the first script.

If no agreement

Carolina... said...

Yes you can, but make sure that you are the first script.

If no agreement

fradykat said...

Yes you can, but is ready? You can add or delete information. If he does not agree in writing, but at the same time, you must send in writing that you pay the debt charge in exchange for clearing their credit. My company has been cleared, but it does not help to impact your credit or whatever they wish you had the loan never appears. "My company has also updated the account in full, what you pay your credit card, but always a negative impact, because you're too late. If the company decides to adjust your credit card or they will not see very many factors. Have you tried to pay the debt or to simply say, forget it. The better your payment history with them before you go overdue, the better. They will also reflect your attitude. When they come, like an idiot who does not help. But when you're nice to you tend to get what they want. Good luck, but remember that shuold have been in contact with them ...

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